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Your Own Hustle: Top Freelancing Sites

Just Do It and Get Paid

No commitment.
No contracts. You do not need to stay.
Just do it and then get paid.

No, it is not that--it is Freelancing!

Freelancing or freelancers are people who work for themselves and not for a company.
     They are independent contractors. They can be categorized as self-employed individuals who don't have to commit to a single, long-term employer. Instead, they work independently for several different companies or clients.
     They make their schedules.
     They manage their paychecks.
     They determine their net worth and
     They get to choose what kind of skills/job they want to offer.

It is like building your own company. Freelancers refer to their work as "business", and it fits perfectly. Freelancing sounds daunting and requires much work. But, it has many advantages that more people are considering leaving their regular corporate jobs for!

Advantages of Freelancing

According to Forbes, there are 7 advantages in investing a freelancing job.

  1. You control your workload. Unlike working for a corporation or a small company, you get to choose how many workloads, what workload and how many hours you are going to work for it.
  2. You are less likely to get sick.  As a freelancer, you are most likely to work from the convenience of your home. Less commuting and travel time, fewer interactions with strangers.
  3. You get as many breaks and as much sleep as you want. (Need we say more on this one?)
  4. You control your work relationships. One of the stresses of everyday working life is having to create (almost) obligated relationships with your co-workers and boss. This is why freelancing is also popular with the introverted type of people. (Besides, there will be fewer chances of you spending too much time in a hot co-worker's cubicle...)
  5. You can exercise at optimum times. With more exercises done ("Mopping the kitchen floor is counted, right?"), your physical and mental health will be at their better state, if not the best. You will be more productive and effective.
  6. You’re your own boss. Don't like how a client speaks to you? You can drop them anytime. Not happy with how a client pays you? You can replace them with better-paying clients anytime. Don't like to work five days a week? Make it two days even, and nobody will fire you for tardiness!
  7. You avoid the long commute.  One study found that a 10-mile commute by car can lead to higher blood sugar and increased cholesterol. Another study found that people who commute by bus for 30 minutes have the lowest levels of life satisfaction. (We shall say no more!)

Now that we had discussed the advantages of freelancing, you may be asking, "So, how am I going to start my freelancing business?".

Taking the Leap of Faith

How to Finally Start being a Freelancer

First, every big change we are going to make requires some amount of preparation.

  1. Ponder on your marketable skills. What skills are you going to offer your clients? What will they benefit from you?
  2. Know your target market. Is there a market you can sell your skills to? How many are they? How can you reach them and retain them?
  3. Invest in your essential materials. Planning to be a VA? You may need a good PC or laptop and an internet connection.
  4. Educate yourself further. Yes, you may be an expert to being a VA or writer, but you might still need mentors who have more experience in the freelancing world. They will also guide you into...
  5. Creating your business plan. How many hours are you going to work? How many clients are you willing to take in? What are your limitations and rules? Most importantly, study and know the basic minimum pay for freelancers according to their types.

Ready yet?
There is just one more thing: How can you "sell" yourself? Gain proper exposure with Top Freelancing Sites!

Top Freelancing Sites

Currently, there are many freelancing sites where one can find freelancers online or virtual assistant companies where one can hire online personal assistants. But, as a favor for reading this far, we listed the top freelancing sites and best virtual assistant websites we can find!

  1. 24Task-Virtual Assistants
24Task is a remote staffing company that provides various kinds of virtual assistance services. 24Task was founded in 2014, and is based in the Philippines. Every client gets to choose their desired employee to work exclusively and dedicatedly for them from their well-equipped and supervised office.
With 24Task’s commitment to the ultimate experience, you will receive a dedicated assistant who will learn exactly what you want, how you want it, and when you want it. Your dedicated assistant is trained to offer you consistent amazing results without fail.

2. Upwork
Through Upwork businesses get more done, connecting with freelancers to work on projects from web and mobile app development to SEO, social media marketing, content writing, graphic design, admin help and thousands of other projects. Upwork makes it fast, simple, and cost-effective to find, hire, work with, and pay the best professionals anywhere, any time.

3. is the world's largest freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace by the number of users and projects. They connect over 38,089,170 employers and freelancers globally from over 247 countries, regions and territories. Through their marketplace, employers can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as software development, writing, data entry, and design right through to engineering, the sciences, sales and marketing, accounting and legal services.

4. Workana
Workana over 6 years ago because we believe in the rise of freelance work. Since our launch, we have connected thousands of companies with the best freelancers worldwide.
From small businesses to enterprise, organizations all around are waking up to the advantages of freelance work. They are now able to find qualified talent, wherever they are, and start working right away.
Entrepreneurs and creative freelancers, idealists, dreamers and visionaries, all connected through Workana with something in common: believing in and forging the future of freelancing.

5. Fiverr
At Fiverr, it’s our mission to grow and cultivate the world’s largest digital marketplace, a place where people can find and purchase any service they need, and build any business they dream. As an employee, your work is inspired by the success of our users and the celebration of your own personal growth.

So, there you have it!
We hope, in putting together these words and pointers, that we helped you, dear reader, in finding your strong grounds to becoming a freelancer.
If you want more insights about freelancing, virtual assistants and online personal assistants, feel free to visit our blog

Good luck, and work your own hustle!


  1. This is a great read! Not only helpful but also with humour!

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