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7 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Virtual Assistant

Businessmen and entrepreneurs take pride of managing their own businesses. They perform and oversee each and every aspect of it and make sure that everything is running smoothly. However as the business continue to grow; things may get out hand and running it solely may not be considered as a smart option.

The requirements of your growing business to fully operate get more complex than ever making it impossible for one person to accomplish it all. Even superheros would drain their energy in doing so. Let’s face it, even if you wish to be there for your business every minute of the day, you just can’t because even robots and machines needs some time to rest for it not to wear off and overheat easily.

Everyone in the business world aims to thrive and succeed and part of it is to generate high sales and incur fewer expenses thus making more profits. Too much workload is however incorporated to achieve this goal. You might want to hire a full-time employee to help you out with some of your daily tasks but would it help you cut operational costs? What better alternative do you have over hiring a full-time employee? 

Hire a Virtual Assistant (VA) to Cut Overhead Cost

As part of growing your business, you’ll need to hire additional staff to delegate some of your daily tasks. This will incur additional overhead cost which will greatly cut on your business profits. Some tasks don’t even require regular eight hours of work so there’s really no need to hire a full-time employee at all. However, some tasks like customer support may require round the clock that may require you to have in-house full-time employees which are really costly since you have to provide for them resources such as physical office, computers sets internet and etc. Those are just some of the reasons why you need to hire a virtual assistant instead. In fact, there’s a lot more benefits in hiring a VA so read on and find out how VAs help business grow.

Benefits of Hiring VAs

Virtual assistants are generally self-employed professionals who work remotely from a home office and provide administrative, technical, or creative social assistance to various clients. They usually work for small businesses but can also support busy executives. They work according to the specifications provided by the client and offer a wide range of affordable services. The following some reasons why you should hire a Virtual assistant for your business now.

1. VAs help you grow your business

Having extra helping hands to help you with all the tasks needed in your business is very vital to achieving business growth. Collaboration is the key to take your business to the next level. Your business can thrive and succeed with strategic partnerships and shared interests. Talented VAs does not only help you with accomplishing business tasks, they can also give you valuable insights on how you can substantially grow your business.

The key to getting the most out of you VAs is to communicate with them regularly, provide them with clear instructions so they can fully grasp and understand your task requirements. Over time, your VA becomes a key team player working remotely but contributing ideas and valuable efforts on your business.

As the owner of the business, there are more important matters that you have to attend to like focusing on the core operations of your business so leave the following tasks to your VA. They are professionals and highly skilled in multiple areas which is really helpful in running your business smoothly. They can perform Market Research, Data Entry, Email Management, Online Marketing, Scheduling, Call handling, Search Engine Optimization, Web Development, Content Writing, Transcription and etc.

2. You only pay for the hours your VAs work

This is one of the bright sides of hiring a VA instead of Full-Time employee because you don’t have to pay for sick days, maternity or paternity leave, vacation days or health insurance. It’s a great opportunity to save monetarily by cutting your overhead expenses while providing valuable services.

3. You are able to cut on some logistic costs

Since you don’t have to rent office space and purchase equipment and supplies to your VA, you are able to avoid logistic costs associated with it.

4. You pay only for 100% productivity

You can work simultaneously with your VAs or you can just leave them instructions and let them do their work. You will only be charge for the time they work meaning you don’t have to pay for their idle time. It follows the “no work, no pay” policy.

5. You get the chance to get the best talent for your business

You are not restricted by your geographical location to get the best person to help you out with the various activities of your business. This gives you the freedom to access world-class talents. With high quality assistance, you’ll get things done easily and beat deadlines.

6. Round the clock availability

With 24/7 customer support, you are increasing your chance to widen your market reach. With a VA from a different time zone dealing with your customers while you are asleep or on important business travel, you can rest assured that your business is still doing great. Moreover, VAs are available to assist you even during official holidays. With virtual assistance services, you never get to worry about manpower shortage because your Personal VA can always train another VA to cover up the work in time of emergency where he/she will not be around.

7. VAs sign up contracts to guarantee for confidentiality purposes

Trust is something that we cannot easily give to people, it needs to be earned however with a contract binding your VA to secure the confidentiality of their clients as well as their business information, you can sleep peacefully at night without being bothered about security issues. Also, you can have a harmonious relationship with your VA, trust her/him as you trust your full-time employees. Remember that your VA acts on your behalf and He/she would work dedicatedly to protect your interests and company’s reputation.

Hire your VAs from 24Task Virtual Assistance Company

There are hundreds if not thousands of virtual assistance company existing today however there are only few which are legit and can really provide for your business needs and one of them is the 24Task Virtual Assistance Company. Situated in the Philippines and India, VAs of 24Task are highly skilled and trained to do lots of business-related activities such as data entry, call handling, email management, content writing, website and app development and many more. There are also lots of positive reviews you read about them from trusted websites like Quora.

You might be wondering what makes 24Task Virtual Assistance Company your best choice to hire your VA. Below are the reasons why.

A. Your personal and business information are 100% secured.

B. They train back up agents so you are fully covered during vacation and sick leaves.

C. 24Task gives 10 hours Free Trial and offers the lowest price in the market.

D. They have 24/7 online support so you can reach them anytime anywhere.

E. Your VA render service first before you make any payment.

F. They have offices in the Philippines and India complete with office equipment and supplies.

G. No Contract Required.

H. They don’t bind you with any contract that is why you cancel their service anytime you want with proper notification to their support.

I. You can have multiple agents depending on what your business needs.

J. Start their service for as low as $3.90 per hour for 2 months.


K. You don’t have to pay any tax or additional fees.

L. They are clear with their service terms and charges so expect no hidden fees.

M. You can change your VA anytime.

N. They help you find the perfect VA for you.

If you are interested to find the perfect Virtual Assistants who can help you in your daily business activities, you are always free to contact 24Task customer support. They are available anytime to answer your queries. Details are provided below.

We always give our best to provide valuable information to our visitors so don’t forget to always visit our blog for more great articles!

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WhatsApp Number: +1 (608) 888-0088


  1. 24task virtual assistance is the one I recommend among the hundred virtual assistant companies I know!

  2. Among all the Virtual Assistance companies that are available online, 24 task has the most positive reviews on the internet especially at Quora. There are many clients that experienced the benefits of hiring the VAs in 24 task.


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Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

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